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Don't waste your time in waiting rooms!

Can't make it to the doctor? With MEDDI, you no longer have to choose between health and leisure. It's easy to get in touch with your doctor online and everything is sorted out in no time.

A kiss from
my mother

For your time, for your health

Why sit in a waiting room when you can spend your time doing what fulfills you? MEDDI allows you to establish a secure connection with your doctor when and where you need it. Experience 21st century medical care!

  • Secure and encrypted connection to your doctor via call, video call or chat
  • Fast professional help including a second opinion whenever you need it
  • Confirmations, prescriptions and applications can be easily arranged online, without unnecessary delays
  • MEDDI works on all popular platforms (Android, iOS and in In the basic version it is free.
Time for

Telemedicine - medical care of the 21st century

A significant part of physical visits can easily be replaced by an
online connection. How does it work?

For your most capable colleagues

Take advantage of the exclusive offer of management visits and reward your most capable colleagues with this popular benefit.

A team of doctors with an above-standard approach will take care of you in the premises of carefully selected premium clinics. The experienced team will guide you through a series of tests and examinations by a specialist until the final evaluation of your overall condition and recommendations for the next steps.

  • Comprehensive screening and overall health status overview
  • Early diagnosis leads to reduced future risks
  • Evaluation of results, medical report with all results and recommendations

Contact your doctor

Doctor at hand at any time.
On your phone and on your computer

At home on your tablet, in the office on your computer or on the go from your mobile? It's up to you which way you choose to connect with your doctor. MEDDI supports all popular platforms and is fully responsive.

  • The possibility of connecting the user or his/her children with a doctor.
  • A selection of preset options for requirements and a brief description of the problem.
  • Possibility to connect with the emergency room or with a specific doctor.

Communication and requirements resolution

Application with superior care

MEDDI is easy to use, fast and absolutely secure thanks to advanced encryption. No data is sent to third parties - so your data stays between you and your doctor.

  • Possibility of sending image and video documentation.
  • Overview of available dates for making a doctor's appointment and saving an appointment in the calendar.

My profile and family

Everything you need at a glance

Keep your data under control and in one place. You can also add your children to your account.

  • You determine your own privacy settings for sharing with doctors.
  • The app allows you to add up to four children to your account. This puts your whole family's health under control.

eCard and ePrescriptions

Your health in one place

Always have your health data at hand (allergies, past illnesses, medical restrictions, medical reports, ePrescriptions, health history, medical records and more).

  • Overview of educational materials, health questionnaires to complete.
  • All ePrescriptions from your doctor in one place.
Time for

For sports enthusiasts

Connection to Wearables
and other peripherals

  • Collection and processing of data from third-party devices
  • Easy data sharing with doctors
  • Visualization of the obtained results
  • Secure storage of acquired data

From prescription to examination

MEDDI provides you with a wide range of ways to get in touch with your doctor and provide information. This makes it easy for you to handle a wide range of tasks.

  • You can easily attach photos to the description of the problem or the doctor can connect with you by video call.
  • Your doctor will issue your confirmation and prescriptions easily online.
  • You can quickly find a specialist in the wide database of doctors for what is bothering you.
  • You can pay for premium paid services in a few clicks through a secure payment gateway.
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Try MEDDI for yourself

Installing and setting up the app is a matter of a few clicks. So why waste time?


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